Most Alive

Most Alive

Melanie Salvatore-August Guest Author FacebookTwitter I feel most alive right after I feel quite dead. Dead trapped in what I believe is being stuck in a circumstance. That feeling of overwhelm or fear that feels like I have swallowed a glob of glue down my throat...


Jessica Reino Editor Twitter For me, September is a month of transition.  Summer vacation has officially ended and now we must be able to adapt back into a school schedule complete with sports and extracurricular activities. As I was preparing for my son’s first week...
Boy From Aleppo

Boy From Aleppo

Francis Sparks Contributor Twitter The image of a Syrian boy with his face caked with blood and dirt, the result of an air strike on the rebel-held neighborhood of Aleppo that destroyed his home, has haunted my thoughts in the last few days. My first reaction was...